CJ Freshway's compliance system aims to secure transparency and fairness in management through the control of illegal occurrence. Through this, we inspire social trust from customers, eliminate reputation risk, prevent loss of the company and shareholders, and support the safe business execution of executives and employees. Furthermore, we lay the foundation for developing ethical and sustainable management beyond complying with the law.
CJFreshway's Compliance System
For systematic compliance policy and risk management, we acquired ISO 37301, a compliance management system, and we manage internal risk according to the standard established by the International Standardization Organization (ISO).
We provide a system for reporting misconduct that executives and employees and external stakeholders can trust.
We allow the organization responsible for environmental safety management to operate systematically throughout the entire process of business activities.
Catering (Meal)/Sales
In order to operate environmental and safety management systematically, we have acquired ISO 14001, an environmental management system certificate, and ISO 45001, a safety and health management system certificate, to prepare a system and manage risks preemptively from risk detection to prevention activities.